Syllabus of React JS Course
Introduction to React & JSX
- Understanding React: History and Evolution
- Key Concepts of React: Components, State, and Props
- Introduction to JSX: Syntax and Benefits
- Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Creating Your First React Application with Create React App
React Components
- Types of Components: Functional and Class Components
- Understanding Props and Their Usage
- Component Lifecycle Methods (Class Components)
- React Hooks: useState, useEffect, and Custom Hooks
- Managing State in Functional Components
- Component Composition and Nesting
JSX and Rendering
- JSX Syntax: Embedding Expressions and Attributes
- Rendering Elements and Components
- Conditional Rendering with JSX
- Lists and Keys in JSX
- Handling Forms and Controlled Components
State Management
- Introduction to State Management in React
- Local State Management with useState
- Context API for Global State Management
- Using Reducers and useReducer for Complex State
- Introduction to Third-Party State Management Libraries (Redux)
Routing and Navigation
- Introduction to React Router
- Setting Up Routes and Navigation
- Dynamic Routing and Route Parameters
- Nested Routes and Route Guards
- Redirects and Navigation Guards
Handling Side Effects
- Introduction to useEffect Hook
- Fetching Data with useEffect
- Handling Cleanup and Dependencies
- Optimizing Performance with useMemo and useCallback
Testing and Debugging
- Introduction to Testing in React
- Using Jest for Unit Testing
- Testing Components with React Testing Library
- Debugging React Applications
- Handling Errors and Error Boundaries
Integration with Other Libraries
- Integrating React with External APIs
- Using Axios for HTTP Requests
- React and Redux Integration
- Managing Forms with Formik and Yup
- Working with Third-Party Libraries and Components
Deployment and Performance Optimization
- Preparing React Apps for Production
- Deployment Strategies and Platforms (Netlify, Vercel, Heroku)
- Performance Optimization Techniques
- Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
- Service Workers and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)